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                                         REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS


Date: 21st June 2024


Procurement No(s): MOPE/DOE/ RFP-SHS-002/2024



  1. The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has received funds from the Government of the Gambia in Dalasi towards the cost of design, supply, installation and commissioning of solar home systems for the community of Madina Samba Sowe and it is intended that part of these funds will be applied to eligible payments under the contract(s) for which this Request for Proposal is issued.


  1. The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy intends to select bidders for the design, supply, installation and commissioning of solar home systems for the community of Madina Samba Sowe in Jimara District URR


  1. It is expected that Proposals will be issued on the 3rd of July 2024


  1. A complete set of documents may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of GMD 5,000.00


  1. Submissions of Proposals must be received in sealed envelopes at Records Office, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, no later than 7th August 2024 at 12:00 PM and be clearly marked “Proposal for design, supply, installation and commissioning of solar home systems for the community of Madina Samba Sowe”.


  1. The scope of the project includes the following


  1. Design, supply, installation and commissioning of 31 SHSs, one for each household and a mosque in the community of Madina samba Sowe in URR
  2. Basic internal wiring of buildings of each households including a maximum of three double wall sockets and up to a maximum of 12 lamp points, including bulbs just for operation of the SHSs.


  1. The project deliverables include the following:
  1. Design (schematic diagram) for the solar home systems
  2. Supply of high-quality solar components and material as specified to the project site
  3. Installation and commissioning of 31 SHSs in 30 households and one mosque in Madina Samba Sowe in URR
  4. Sensitization of the beneficiaries on safety measures, proper use and basic maintenance of SHSs.
  5. Hand -on training on installation and maintenance of SHSs for two identified youths from the community.


  1. The biding document can be inspected at the Procurement Office or Energy Unit of  Ministry of Petroleum and Energy during working hours between 8:00am and 4:00PM Mondays to Thursdays and from 8:00am to 12:30pm on Fridays.


Yours Sincerely





For: Procuring Organisation


The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy hosted a validation workshop on the energy efficiency Law(bill) on May 18th 2023 at Tamala Beach Hotel. This workshop brought together relevant stakeholders from various ministries and organizations to discuss and dissect the bill.

Energy is a vital ingredient for the socioeconomic development of any country. Cognizant of this, the government of The Gambia, over the past years has been making significant efforts to provide reliable, adequate, affordable and sustainable energy services to its people. The successful implementation of the Energy efficiency bill is of great importance and a priority to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and to all stakeholders.

The formulation of the Energy efficiency bill is supported by World Bank Group and drafted by consultants from the Economic Consulting Associates (ECA) through the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy to develop and implement a comprehensive energy efficiency program for the country.

In the opening ceremony Mr. Matarr Touray, an Energy Specialist from World Bank, spoke on the numerous benefits of energy efficiency especially with the changing electricity tariffs and fluctuating exchange rates. Mr. Touray stated “The law has been developed to inherently feature local context and the development of a robust institutional framework to address pertinent issues as it relates to energy efficiency, these include issues of gender mainstreaming, financing mechanisms and data to ensure that the bill is adequately and appropriately imbedded within the sector”.

In her opening remarks, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Mrs Amie Njie Joof illuminated on the inefficient use of energy in our day to day lives, like leaving lights and air conditioners on in empty rooms, inefficient practices like these need to be curbed to ensure sustainable use of electricity.

The Permanent Secretary highlighted on the fact that resources are scares and that electricity is not provided to every community in the country, has resulted in the formulation of the policy on energy efficiency and conservation, which promotes the efficient and wise use of energy by every user, to save energy for use by others. As the saying goes, “energy saved is energy produced”.

 PS Njie also added that “since the promulgation of policies on energy efficiency and conservation as part of the National Energy Policy, numerous activities have been carried out on energy efficiency and conservation throughout the country.  Other activities include sensitization on energy efficiency and conservation, replacement of incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs and the promotion and distribution of improved cookstoves and rolling out the National Framework for Leapfrogging to Energy Efficient and Climate Friendly air Conditioners and Refrigerators Project. This project is intended to enhance energy efficiency in the country and ultimately reduce greenhouse gas emissions”.

The Permanent Secretary in her conclusion indicated that the Energy Efficiency Bill once enacted into law, will serve as the bedrock for the country’s energy management system in the country.